Blessings Of Cyberspace

First offered on February 8, 1996, 10:00 AM Eastern Standard Time

Excerpt from the Namgyal Monastries Press Release:

In the monks’ view, cyberspace resembles space in general, which Tibetan Buddhists characterize more as the absence of obstructions than as a distance between two points. Also, cyberspace, like ordinary space, can be defined as something that cannot in and of itself be seen or measured, yet which can be conceptualized and used. That is, it has no inherent existence for its own part, yet it exists as a field for mental activity.

Where there is an absence of obstructions, there is the potential for something to arise, the nature of which depends on the motivation of those who use it. In blessing cyberspace, the monks reasoned, they could offer prayers that the motivation of Internet users become more positive and that the benefits of using the Internet become more positive.

	May all beings have happiness and its causes.
	May all beings be separated from suffering and its causes.
	May all beings never be separated from happiness.
	May all beings have equanimity toward the eight worldly dharmas.*

	May people be happy and their years be blessed.
	May the crops grow well and may religion prosper.
	I pray that all happiness arises for everyone.
	And that whatever they desire shall come to pass.

* The eight worldly dharmas are: gain, loss, pleasure, pain, praise, insult, fame and infamy.

Prayer performed by monks of the Namgyal Monastry
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